We believe there is a place at the table for everyone. We support restaurant workers, owners, and customers and respect their dignity, human rights, and contributions to our industry and our nation – including immigrants, refugees, people of all genders, faiths, races, abilities, and sexual orientations. We are committed to providing safe, sustainable, livable wages and working conditions to all. We honor the impact that immigrants have in the restaurant industry. We believe in a path to citizenship that preserves the dignity of restaurant workers. Sanctuary Restaurants is a joint project of One Fair Wage (OFW) and, with the participation of thousands of workers, diners, and allies nationwide. Note: Sanctuary Restaurants is not a legal designation; we are simply offering a place at the table for everyone helping to create the inclusive and equitable world we want to see.
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Join the Sanctuary Restaurants movement today. #sanctuaryrestaurants #table4everyone
Sanctuary Restaurants:
- We believe that diversity makes us stronger; there is a place at the table of everyone,
- We are committed to creating affirming and safe environments in our restaurants for all,
- We proudly comply with all laws,
- We proudly welcome the public into our affirming spaces by prominently displaying the “SANCTUARY RESTAURANTS: A Place At the Table for Everyone” sign or decal,
- We pledge to support each other and to workers, customers, and restaurant owners by joining this peer network, and
- We stand with diverse communities to help protect their liberties, dignities, and freedoms
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Number of Restaurants: 0